Thursday, March 12, 2009

You ingrate!

Has anyone in your family ever told you that you were ungrateful? that you should thank the lord for the life you have? that they had it harder than you and you should act like you are very fortunate to have what you have? that you are spoiled and not fully conscious of the blessings you enjoy?
Well read Act 3, scene 5, lines 139-169. Then write here what you would say to your mother and father if you were Juliet in her situation. Minimum for full credit is 60 words.


  1. i am not spoiled and i am never ungrateful to my parents or they never call me ungrateful. i would say that romeo is a good person and you will never know how he is really like. i would try to convince them how good of a person romeo is.

  2. what my mother and my father would say to me about the situation is that every thing that you get comes from god so you should thank him and you should also thand me and your mother for all that we have done for you to. you should be greatful for ever thing that you have. there are people out there that have nothing compared to you.

  3. well they told me that i was spoiled but not ungratefull and said that just because you are the youngest out of eveyone else in the family doesnt mean that you can get everything you want.And if i was Juliet i would say to her parents is that if i want to see Romeo i could but i know there will be our differences but i love him and you cant tell me to not love him because i do thats what i would say.

  4. People tell me that I am ungrateful and unappreciative all the time. They usually say it when I whine about not getting something I want my way. I sometimes agree because I think there are, at times, times when I push it too far and ask for too much. If I was in Juliet's situation and I had to choose between family and true happiness and love, it would mos def be love. If my family can't respect what I want, then whatever, I can live with it, at least I'll be happy.

  5. i think that my father and mother would tell me that i am ungreatful all because i wont merry paris. but i would tell them that who i merry is mostly up to me and they cant tell me what to do my whole life.

  6. i would tell them to cut get out of my life
    it my marrage and you cant tell me who to marry. i would be mad and if they told me if i dont marry him that they would talk to me because. i would say i dont care because it my life it my choce who i wanna spend the rest of my life with. it not yours

  7. i can relate to this because my mother tells me ijm ungreat full all the time and she says i never say thank you

  8. i am grateful so i never been called ungrateful and i never even read the story. So i didnt know what he talking about.

  9. if i were juliet i would say isnt it my decision who i want to marry since im supposedly going to with that person most likely for the rest of my life. you only want me to marry this person because he has money what kind of father are you. i reufse to marry this person and soo there for im moving out to live with the real lover that i want to be with and thats romeo.

  10. Well first i'd say, I want to make my own decisions. Then I would say that I would'nt be spolied if I wasen't bord. Sike take that back, but I'd want to tell them about how in love I am. But what i'd really want is to clarafy that I want my respect to make my mistakes and I can not fell that I am traped

  11. Yea poeple some times tell me that im ungratefulll when i start crying over something very stupid and i say that im not lucky beacuse i dont get what i want but the truth is that i do get things and i just dont get alot of things but i dont really need all the things that i want i just want it for no reason or maybe beacuse i need it but when i complane my parents tell me not to complane beacuse i get what i want when i need it. and when they little they didnt get anything but now my parents give me what ever i want so i dont need to complane like a little babie so i dont.

  12. my momma allways tel me to be grateful because she says "there is allways gonna be peoples out ther that got it worst than you"

  13. If I was juliet i would say its my decision who i want to get married to not yours. I have had some told me that i was ungrateful and to thank the lord i got a life my gradma told me that and i got so mad that i punched her car mirror and broke and my hand was bleeding real bad.

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  15. well...i'm not a spoiled person or i am not a ungrateful person but...i will say that it is not the parents decision to decide who you get to marry. the decision is yours to make even if your parents don't like the person but later they might like that person and might consider to have him/her marry you. so that leaves the rest to you if you want to be with that person for the rest of your life.

  16. I would tell them that it was my own decision to marry whoever i wanted. Although it would be mostlikely futle, it would at least give me the satisfaction of trying, because i would want to get married to someone i loved and not having an arranged marraige. And his words wouldnt stop me from getting to my one true love that i would want to marry.

  17. I would not allow my mom or dad to ever do this to me. I would say something like "No!" "I'm not going to do this."

  18. Yes my parents ave said i was ungrateful and spoiled. And admit i am, i Know their are thousands of people off worst than me, and i take things for granted. So now and days, i always remember to be grateful for everything and ask for either none or less. If i was in Juliet's position, i would strongly disagree. I would probably yell and just say NO.

  19. I know I may act a bit spolied and ungrateful at times but, it doesn't seem right that you are choosing my husband. If you were in my situation and your parents chose someone for you would, it be fare. Please understand that I do not love Paris or even care about the feelings he feels for me but, I know I will not, never marry that Paris!

  20. I would say that it is my choice to marry who I choose to. It is my life and I am going to be with him for the rest of my life. It is truly my future and I am thankful for what you have done but I am going to make the decision for myself. My husband will be a choice made by me and you can either support me or choose not to.

  21. ummm... my parents never told me that.
    but if i was in juliets situation i would of been like i am thankful for living but not for bad things that are coming and that is not being unthankful.i would of told my parents that you guys are the onew that are talking advanage of my life.

  22. I have been told that I was ungrateful for what I have and that they had it much more harder than I did. I would yell at them to be quiet so that I could talk. I would tell them that they are being difficult and that I loved and is married to Romeo. Also, that I would not marry a man that I did not love.

  23. Juliet's position:
    I'm already thirteen. There is no need to tell me what to do, especially when it comes to love. You have no right to tell me to marry someone that I do not want to marry. You may think this is good for me, but keeping your daughter trapped in your hands? Do you really think that's the best for me? I may be ungrateful and spoiled, but that still doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do. There's a path I want to take, and you cannot change that.

  24. Why must you come at me with such words? I have never asked for anything from you! But what you want from me is this marrige?! I don't even know anything about paris! He's not cute, or good looking, I don't even love him! You guys are rediculous! Call me whatever you want, but one thing that i am not is ungrateful!

  25. My dad always told me to be happy what I have now. Back then in his childhood, he doesn’t have anything that I have now. I know my dad is not being mean just care. If I were Juliet I would be very sad also mad hearing my parents saying those thing to me. Parents suppose to support me not put down you. I would be run off the city with Romeo because he is the only one that care about me. And is no point to stay at a place where the people hated you and is using you for a political use.

  26. Yes, my grandma had said that my siblings and I should not waste food. She said that when she was little, food was hard to come by because her family was a poor farming family. If I were Juliet, I’d say, “Choosing to marry someone isn’t being ungrateful. It’s who I like to be with that I marry him. If I live my whole life without liking the person I really love, the rest of my life with them will not be happy.”

  27. I would say to my mom and my dad if I was her that I am never ungateful and I am always behaving.I wouldnt marry this person because you only want me too and I dont want to marry.I would tell my mom and dad about moving away with Romeo that I love.

  28. If i were Juliet I would be really mad that my parents were trying to tell me who to marry, and that they had even set a date for the wedding already, without even asking me. It isnt their decision who I marry. Im sorry if they dont like the person who i'm marrying, but i'm still going to marry them regardless of how my parents feel. It is their buisness who i'm marrying, but they i dont think they need to have any say in it.

  29. pretending I'm juliet:
    oh mother/ father how can you do this? it's my choice that who's going to be my husband. You cant force me to marry a person who i do not like. what happened to all the relationships between us? you can't break the bonds just because i refuse to marry Paris! how could you use me to get something you wanted like that? hoe could you!? (cry then run away)......

  30. If I was Juliet I would tell my parents this:
    I've never disobeyed you until now because you're forcing me to marry someone who I don't even know, and you're making me marry him because you want something that he has, and never even talk to me about this arrange marriage to me first, you just made a decision for me with out going to talk to me about it.
    And for your information I am very greatful of what I have, and I don't need to be married to 'THIS' Paris, that you want me to marry.

  31. I would say I love you both but I’m growing up now into a young women and they make their own choices in life. I don’t think that it is up to you to tell me who I should marry. If I don’t love that person then I’m not going to marry him. If you guys loved me you will respect me decision and support me with my choice.

  32. my parents never told me that
    but if i was in juliet situation.
    Father i am old enough you dont need to tell me about love or anything i am greatfull for what i have and i dont need anything else.

  33. Yes there are times when my parents tell me that I am ungratefull and that they had such a harder life than I have right now. If I was in Juliet's situation i would tell my parents that they can't make all the choices in my life for me and I have to make decisions for myself. And also that they need to understand my feelings too.

  34. my parents have never told me something like that. i think juliet should do what she wants.

  35. my parents would never tell me that i am spoiled and ungrateful. i also think juliet should do whatever she wants to do.

  36. myy mom allways tells me stuff like that and i lisen but sometimes i dont and if i was in juliets situatuon i wouldnt lisen to anyone i would just do me and i wouldnt care how they feel

  37. there has been plenty of time my mom has calle dme ungrateful, but i don't believe i am. i cherish everything and everyone because i never know when it will be taken away. i believe juliet should follow her heart and her parents should be there for her no matter what and when and if they are right about romeo be there to help her

  38. i think that my parent would mever tell me that iam ungrateful but maybe a little spoile. but i think juliet has her right to do things that she want. also i think that thing that hapepen in your life is given by god,so no matter what she does it is alright

  39. My family doesn't really talk about how grateful we are. I'm gratefull for what I have but I usually don't show it too often. We really just yell at each other about other stuff that's not about being gratefull. If I were Juliet I wouldn't listen to my parents. They can't control everything in my life.

  40. I've been in a situation where my parents called me ungratefull becuase i have alot of stuff like clothes and dont even wear them and when they see me they tell me that there's people out there that dont have clothes and i should take advantage of what i have right now.
    but when ever they say that i dont listen to them because i know sometimes they're just playing around or something..
