Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why does Romeo lie?

Read Act 5, scene 3, lines 1 to 44. Notice lines 28-32. Romeo lies to Balthazar, his servant.
Why I descend into this bed of death
Is partly to behold my lady's face,
But chiefly to take thence from her dead finger
A precious ring, a ring that I must use
In dear employment
You know a bit about Romeo and the situation he's in. Tell me why he isn't truthful with his servant. Minimum three sentences.


  1. 1. He doesn`t want to admitt anything.
    2. He doesnt want anyone to know anything.
    3. He wants people to believe something else.

  2. he lied becuase he was there to put the ring to juliets finger and yeah thats what i think he was there and he lied.

  3. the real reson why he was there was because
    he wanted to die lieing nex to her

  4. he dont want his servant to know that he is going to kill himself. he want him to not feel sad when he dies. romeo is trying to keep this a secret.

  5. maybe because he wants to trick anybody else that hes not really going to marry her or something. i dont really get what your asking meh to do. so i just wrote down what i think is going on in the scene.

  6. he doesnt want to let him no anything cuz he doesnt want to admitt the truth
    he doesnt want to let any body to no about what happened to her.
    he wants all the other people to think about the both of them not just him or just her.

  7. he is lieing about doing somthing wit juielt cause he dont want him to know she dead

  8. rome isnt truthfull to his servant because Romeo doesnt want his servant to know because he doesnt want to tell him anything about what Juliet and Romeo had. He also doesnt want to admit what he was doing.

  9. Because he doesn't want nobody to know he was going to kill himself. Because i think balthazar romeo servant is not trust worthy. And last but least i think romeo doesn't want no one to know that he's going to lay down and his heart not beeping

  10. he is lying so noone will find out. they wanted to die together. Romeo didn't want to let anyone know the truth.

  11. he is lying so noone will find out. they wanted to die together. Romeo didn't want to let anyone know the truth.

  12. I think that he wants no one to know that he is about to kill himself. Why? Because I feel that Balthazar his servant is not trust worthy to hum, Romeo. Or maybe Romeo just wants no one to know anything about how he is going to be laying down with his heart not beating, while his love of his life will be there also but, her heart is actually going to be beating. PS, DO NOT COPY THIS!!!!!!!

  13. he doesnt want anybody to know and doesnt want anybody to to believe some thing thats a lie and he doesnty want to admite anything that he fells

  14. romeo is not trueful because he might be afaid of the turth or he might be afraid to tell the truth and that he might might get into trouble and not be able to tell the truth and not even be able to say what he really want to say.

  15. He doesn`t want to: admitt anything, or anyone to know anything,
    but he wants people to belive somthing else happened.

  16. he wants people to believe something different he doesn't want to admitt the truth

  17. Well...Romeo lied to his servant because he wants to kill himself. The other one is that he wants to place a ring on Juliet's finger. He wants to die where she lays dead.

  18. Romeo lied to his servant because he didn't want to give himself away. If he told the servant, Balthazar, what he was doing, then his plan will fail. He does not want to tell his servant that he's really going to kill himself. Furthermore, if he told Balthazar, the servant would know that he was wed to Juliet.

  19. he isnt truthful to his servant balthazar because he doesnt want his servant to know that he was married to juliet. he also doesnt want his servant to know what he is about to do. if his servant should tell someone what romeo is doing, then he wouldnt have the real story.

  20. he lie because he doesnt any one to know anything about this. and he want to die next to her.

  21. I think he lied because he doesn't want his servant to know that he was actually going to commit suicide. He doesn't want his servant to go after him or tell anybody else what he was going to do. His sevant might end up spoiling everything.

  22. I think that Romeo lied to Romeo becasue he doesn't want the servent to know about him and Juliet. Servents are people, he is run by Romeo and if he can get bad things on Romeo then he could black mail him. Romeo is smart and wants to play it safe.

  23. I think Romeo doesn't want to tell the truth because he doesn't want to admitt the truth.He doesn't want to tell him he wants to kill hoimself. He wants to keep it a secret. Love can be very bloody.

  24. romeo at this point wants to die. romeo does not want to tell no one that he is going to kill himself next to juliet. romeo wants to kepp it a secret because if they find out they would try to stop him.

  25. i think that Romeo lied because he didnt want his servant to make a big deal about it. Also i think that Romeo didnt want to get in trouble for what he was doing.

  26. He doesn't want him to know the truth. He doesn't want him to think anything. He just wants him to not know that he is killing himself.

  27. The reasons why romeo isn't being truthful with his servant maybe because his servant probably knows nothing about the plans. Then again, also it may stress the servant out if he told him his plans. Roemo may also be hiding his feelings to his servant and doesn't want any word out of his plans. Also, Romeo may be showing how foul he is to the capulets by "taking" the ring.

  28. The reason why Romeo does not tell Balthazar the truth is because he does not want Balthazar to know that he is going to kill himself. Romeo also does not want Balthazar to get in the way and stop him. May also Romeo would want time alone with Juliet.

  29. 1.He is a secretive person.
    2.He tells people something else than the truth.
    3He is scared

  30. i think that romeo doesnt want to tell balthasar his whole plan. he might think balthasar will stop him or gets in his way.
    so i think that's the reason why he's asking balthasar to leave i guess.

  31. I think that he lies to his servant because he doesnt want Balthazarto know so he can deliver a good news to his parents. He also doesnt want Balthazar try to stop what he will do. Also he doesnt want Balthazar to follow him down where he want to be alone with Juliet.

  32. He is untruthful to his servant because:
    1. He wants them to believe otherwise.
    2. He wants to make sure no one knows anything.
    3. He does not want to come clean and tell.

  33. He's telling his servant to leave and not be nosey about what he's doing. He claims to be retrieving a ring, he's really going to try to kill himself next to his dead "wife"

  34. The reason why romeo lied is so that he doesn't get anyone else involved. if he got him involved, they would both be in trouble. He could also be cautious about what he's doing just in case.

  35. Romeo still wants to keep his and Juliet's marriage a secret and not let anyone know about it, even if she was 'dead'. He doesn't want Juliet's family to know that he married Juilet behind their back.

  36. OOoooo he is trying to kill himself to be with his wife Juliet and telling the servant that he just wants to get the ring off her finger but that the servant needs to leave when he does it.

  37. romoe he stil wants to keep juliets and him being together a secret. he even doesnt want her parents to know even if he were dead. He doesnt want juliet to get in trouble because of him.

  38. he lies to his servants because they might say something they dont have to. so he just tells them a lie to be safe. it si better for him to keep the truht to him self.

  39. He doesn`t want to admitt anything about the truth
    He doesnt want anyone to know what happened to juliet
    He's trying to keep it a secret and let other people to think something else
