Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If Juliet had awakened

Read lines 50-78. What happens?
Now imagine that Juliet wakes up at this point. She sees Romeo. She also sees Paris' dead body. What do you think she would have done at that point? Would she run off with Romeo? Would she be upset with him and want nothing to do with him? Explain why you think so. As always very short answers will not receive full credit.


  1. If Juliet woke up and saw paris` dead body she would be shocked. she would probably cry and stuff but there would be Romeo and i think that she is still going to stay with Romeo and go somewhere where no one would find them. She would probably be upset at Romeo and maybe mad too but she would probably still love him and stay with him.

  2. i think that if she would have woke up romeo would have biin trippin out his mind. But then Juliet would have explaind to him wat happend and then they would have taken off nd started they own life.

  3. I think Juliet would run off with Romeo because after all, she does love him. I don't think she'd be that upset about Paris being dead because I mean, it wasn't him that she loved and wanted to marry.

  4. what i think would happen is that if juliet woke up she would not be mad at romeo cuz she would light wieght understand where he is coming from and that she cares to much about him to get mad and if she does get mad it wont be so serious

  5. I think that if Juliet had awakened romeo and juliet would of left the city and the other people woould think Juliet died so then no one will be looking for Juliet and romeo and juliet can live happy forever.

  6. juliet should run off with romeo and be together again forever. she should not be upset with him because he is trying to be together with her. but before she runs off she should kick Paris dead body for fun. :D

  7. If Juliet saw Paris's body and Romeo was staring at her she would probably run off upset with him and forget about Paris. She would probably think about what her dad is thinking about how Paris died.

  8. she would have been scared cuase sher might think that romeo killed paris, she could have been mad at romeo cause paris thought she was dead so romeo can ran away with her, and paris still thinks shes dead

  9. when juliet wakes up and she sees romeo and paris' dead body i think she would of course be sad and maybe be upset and/or mad at him but then run away with romeo and be together with him because i know they both cant stay mad at each other

  10. i think that juilet wakes up and sees romeo she would proplery asks him what happen and try to slove it and then she can do what she needs to do if she runs with romeo and or leave without him or anything else.

  11. so ti think that if juliet seen romeo there with paris and he was dead i think juliet would be scared because he already killed somebody that she loved and now the person shes suppose to marry is dead all because of romeo. juleit should be concerned if romeo has a problem because he killed two somwhat loving people either to juliet or her family and thats not going to get himself on her familys good side.

  12. I would think that she would have been plaesed to wat happened to paris. And i think should would have ran off with romeo

  13. I would think that she would be very pleased with what has just happened to paris. Why? because in one sentence Juliet says that she would kill herself if she ever got married to Paris. So I feel that she would have run off with romeo and had a happy life.

  14. I think Juliet would run to Romeo, not thinking about Paris first. She never truly cared for Paris in the first place. If she was to choose between Romeo and Paris, Juliet would definitely choose Romeo. Juliet never wanted to marry Paris. She might even be glad that Paris is dead, so he won't kill Romeo. Since she did everything just to see Romeo, Juliet wouldn't care about Paris.

  15. I think she would've been shocked at first with Romeo but then she would decide to take the chance and run away with Romeo. It is because I think that she would care for Romeo more than Paris. She doesn't know Paris as well as Romeo and she loves Romeo.

  16. Well...she will be suprised to see Romeo and she will be shocked to see Paris dead. She may run off with Romeo since Paris is now dead. She won't be upset with Romeo since Paris is not in her family and she does not love him at all so she will probably not care at all.

  17. i think if juliet woke up before romeo killed himself and she saw Paris' body, she wouldnt mind. i think that she would be glad that nothing happened to romeo, and she wouldnt care about paris being dead. she would probably be a little sad about it, but not too worried. she would probably be glad because then she wouldnt have to marry paris.

  18. I think she would have just run off with Romeo. She wouldn't be upset though, because she wasn't that upset when he killed Tybalt, and she hated Paris. I think Juliet is just the kind of person who would forget about Paris and just run off and not think about the consequences.

  19. I think that if juliet were to wake up to see Romeo and Paris' dead body, she probably would be a bit angry, but it shouldn't bother her. She didn't want to mary Paris in the first place, so it shouldn't bother her. Romeo killed her cousin and she didn't even seem to care that much for it.

  20. If i were juliet in this situation then i would have run off with romeo and hidden. Personally love would triumph over my sence of wrong and right, although i wouldnt look at him the same way ever again i would still run a way to avoid death or even worse rotting in a dungeon somewere waiting to die because romeo died.

  21. I think she will freak out and kill herself thinking that Romeo and Paris fought and both ended up dead. Waking up after a long sleep and finding dead people near you isn't the best thing to see.

  22. I think when she wakes up and see the dead body of Paris she will ask Romeo what happened. And she thinks that killing him is very wrong. But she will be very happy to see her love, Romeo there.

  23. I think that Juliet would have been happy when he saw Paris dead and Romeo alive waiting for her. She would then just run off with him and left Paris there. Juliet didn't want to be married to Paris and now that he is dead, her and Paris can never be married. So then it looks like she had no choice but to marry Romeo, who she is already married to. They would be very happy and Paris is out of the picture.

  24. if juliet would have awakened i believe she would have followed her heart and ran off to be with romeo, the fact that paris was dead wouldn't have bothered her that much

  25. If Juliet to wake up and to see Paris dead and see Romeo, I would think she would probably leave with Romeo. They are still engaged afterall, and why would she leave him if the whole point of even doing all this was to be togther and help unite the family's.

  26. my first reacton would of been like what in heavens is this.i would of been like why has god done this to me.if i was juliet i would of got up and then look at romeo dying and then kill myself holding his hand. the

  27. I think that if Juliet woke up she would be happy because she would have known the paln worked. I also think she would have run off with Romeo, because she didnt even like Paris that much, so why would she care if he died?

  28. I think Juliet would run off with romeo. she didn't really like paris. She's in love with romeo. She might be a little upset, but i don't think she would really care.

  29. i think that juliet would be upset that Paris die because of her. but she doesnt love him or want to be with him, so she will run off with romeo instead.

  30. If Juliet woke up and saw Paris dead in the hands of Romeo, she wouldn't care about Paris at all and only cares about Romeo, and how they're going to escape the place because if they were found together and next to Paris's dead body then they would probably be exiled, not only from that place but the world as well, in other words... they are going to get killed!!! XD o_0

  31. I think she would be very dizzy at first, and would be shocked a t seeing Paris lying on the floor. She would be sad at first but, happy to see Romeo. Juliet may seem overwhelmed with the body and being in the graveyard but, to see her husband may overjoy her. The down side to this is that Romeo had already killed her cousin a nd now her never to be husband.

  32. She would probably be surprised that Paris is dead. She would maybe wonder why Romeo, if he did it, kills him like that. She also would maybe run away with Romeo because she waited so long to be with him. She wouldn’t stop liking Romeo over Paris. I think all of this because she loves Romeo and didn’t go through all of that not to be without him.

  33. i think she would be confused and wouldnt know what to do or what to think. then she would leave with romeo and go far away to some other place.

  34. i think she'll cut the connection because he killed her cousin already and now her friend too. so i think she'll thinks that he's some psycho dude and she's probably afraid of being around him.

  35. I think Juliet would go to Romeo. She didnt care about Paris in the first place. She would definetely pick Romeo rather than Paris. Juliet never wanted to marry Paris.

  36. I think that Juliet would have ran away with Romeo because she loves him alot and has done so much to try to be with him. She might be kind of mad about Paris being dead but will get over it because she did not really like him and he was the problem in her relationship with Romeo
