Monday, March 2, 2009

Make a connection

Make a connection to Romeo and Juliet


  1. I cant really make a real connection, because i had not wanted to marry a girl. I've liked a girl before, but not to the point were i would want to marry a girl!

  2. i cant really make a good connection, because i have not been to the point to were i would want to marry a girl

  3. i cant really make a good connection because i have not been to the point were i would want to marry a girl!


  5. Romeo is a dumb white dude who is trying to get with a little 13 year old girl name Juliet and spend his life with her.

  6. i can relate to this story because i fell in love way to early and i really dident understand what love was

  7. romeo is a dumb guy who is trying to get with a little 13 year old girl name juliet. i think he will die by juliet's family. i hope he dies later on.

  8. If my friend was getting into a fight i would just walk away don't care about what happened. But if another person would jumpin I would have help my freind

  9. Ummmm i dnt really know how i relate to them cause i never really read it but one of my freinds got jumpd by like 5 people so he came to me in told me what happen in i was like we got to get them so i got my cusin in we when go see themi guess that relates to it but i dont really know.

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  11. The only thing that i can say that i have a connevction with the play is that. i thought that i had fallen in love with a guy that i had went out with about 2 years ago. we went out for 11 months but i realized that i just had love for him. now im with somebody and im really happy with him. and i we know for a fact that this is real love..were both in love with eachother. and we both wana run this out as far as possible. my situation is similar to romeo and juliets because there young and in love.

  12. One time my friend got intro a fight and almost killed the boy. The reason is because the boy was talking mess and then my friend just took off on him because he was talking about his mom and stuff. And was talking about his dead gramemah.

  13. this one time when my friend got in a fight. i was like best friends with this kid and he had a girlfriend and her cousin didnt like my friend or should i say her boy friend all because he used to bang crip and the girls cousin was a so called blood.when the girls cousin found out that her boy friend is an ex crip he tried to go hella bad on that nigga so they started fighting and my patna lost on purpose just so he can let his girl friend no that he was don with all the gang when he was done fighting the girls cousin tried to shank him and then we all stopped the whole thing ever scence then they never talked

  14. So there was these two young basketball player who were in love with each other they loved everything about each other and they went out to collage and they had some great times but it came to a time when they had to move and they had to go there seperet ways and they did not want to do that. They both were going to diffrent collages and diffrent states. but they did not want to give everything up so they just decided to go with each other and ass usally they stayed into basketball and they went ot the same collge and they both finnished of as basketball players and after 10 years of love they go married and had some kids.

  15. Me and couple of friends went to the park to go play basketball and there was a couple of over dudes staring at us from the other side of the basketball courts. They ran up on us and started punching us i got up ran on the dude that hit me tackled him and started hitting him a couple of times made him bleed then we left later that day i was thinking to my self that fighting is really not going to help any situation because once you beat them up then they gone wanna get even.

  16. i feel that the connection with romeo and juliet are and is very deep. Now i dont think that i have a connection so deep like those 2. I've had good relationships but not that deep!

  17. I once had two friends in middle school who didnt know each other. Until one day my friend broke up with this one girl and my other friend then got with her. The friend who broke up with her then when he found out some other guy was going out with her he wanted to start a fight (i dont know why) When the fight was over the girl broke up with my friend and stopped talking to the two.

  18. i feel that the connection with romeo and juliet are and is very deep. Now i dont think that i have a connection so deep like those 2. I've had good relationships but not that deep!

  19. I personlly have no connection whatsoever to romeo and juliet. I think its an interesting book but i dont know anyone that even remotely scratched the surface of romeo and juliet.

  20. I can relate to romeo and juliet because i know a few friends who liked each other, but couldn't due to their ethinic backround differences. Similar like Romeo and Juliet did

  21. I saw a connection like Romeo and Juliet with 2 friends during 7th grade. He liked the girl but she didn't know. Then 2 months later he found another girl he wasn’t scared to talk to and then he went out with her.

  22. I feel connected to Romeo and Juliet because I once was in their position. One of my close friend and I both experienced the fight between two hated parents. We've been really close friends, yet our parents didn't like each other. There were many mean remarks and my parents kept telling me to stay away from them. Just as Romeo and Juliet, I didn't listen to my parents. We've been really good friends, and being separated my parents isn't a good enough reason to stop being friends.

  23. i think that Romeo and Juliet are connected to me because my cousin was kind of like Juliet. her parents didnt want her to be friends with someone, because her parents didnt like her friends parents. This is similar to Romeo and Julet because juliet's parents didnt like Romeo's parents. i think that is wrong because everyone should be allowed to be friends with whoever they want.

  24. i feel that what they have is special. there sticking it out no matter what even with the people who they cherich not approving

  25. I knew a Juliet in 2nd grade. She was a 1st grader, but I had her in my mixed 2nd and 1st grade class. She wasn't similar the Juliet in the play at all. She was a quiet person and she knew alot about colors. She also talked highly.

  26. Romeo and Juilet has a strong bond to them, they don't let anything break them apart even till the last moment they have together.
    So their love is defiantly strongest one out there I believe. And it's defiantly is more than 'love at first sight'

  27. I can relate to romeo and juliet beaceuse my cousin had a girlfriend who was asian, then they were going to get married but they couldnt because the asian family had customs and had to carry on the asian bloodline, so they got married anyways.

  28. I can relate to Romeo and Juliet because once I was like Romeo when I had a close friend die. As Romeo was upset, I was too. He was a friend of mine in elementary school, and he had died in a tragic car crash. I was also mad and I cried because I was very sad at what had happened. That is how I relate to Romeo and Juliet.

  29. Romeo and Juliet has a strong connection that connects them to each other. It was like love at first sight. They secretly dated when their parents never knew. This kind of reminded me of one of my friends and they got into serious trouble after they were found out.

  30. Romeo and Juliet has a strong connection that connects them to each other. It was like love at first sight. They secretly dated when their parents never knew. This kind of reminded me of one of my friends and they got into serious trouble after they were found out.

  31. I feel that Romeo and Juliet is connected to me because one of my friend is like Juliet. She ran away from home because of love. When she ran away, she was 15 years old. The love between the two of them are strong and crazy. But both of their parents oppose of their relationship because they too young.

  32. I feel connected because, One time my two friends in 2nd grade where fighting over the last cookie at the snack bar. They began hitting each other. I came in and stopped the fight. They made up and split the cookie nicely after I got through to them. This is my connection to Romeo and Juliet.

    -Kevin P. Wrote this

  33. I don't feel any connection towards Romeo or Juliet. I think that it is just the idea of being in love is what they are feeling. I find this story ridiculous and stupid. Also, I hope there is never anybody that is cheesy and retarded as them.

  34. John Lew

    My connection to Romeo and Juliet is when, I like the cool fast cars and their is a lot of them in Romeo and Juliet. I was excitited to see the colors of speed. In the Japanese manga, they had fast cars, and lot of fights!

  35. I noticed while watching Romeo and Juliet The Decaprio version , that most of it takes plcae near water. And I love anything that has to do with water. It was really cool seeing the beach side and people relaxing ,beside all the violence. A great time at the beach is food, naps, and swimming.

  36. I know this girl who used to talk about everyone in middle school. So one day all my friends including me found out that she was writing stories about us saying we did this and that. At lunch we all confronted her. Then after school she was walking home and two of my friends walked up to her and they started to fight. This story is just like Romeo and Tybalt.
    The End

  37. Fighting for lunch line was my connection to Romeo and Juliet. ok so the story is, I was in line for lunch and this guy just pushed me. He was the common bully of our school. I didin't want this to happen so I started aruging with him. We almost began a real fight. A friend of mine named Tommy came and he broke it up. Thanks to him we didn't get in most trouble and we got lunch.

    Long lau (Johnny)

  38. I once had a friend who likes someone who isn't religious and her parents wants her to date someone who is, but the guy she likes doesn't so her parents disapprove, so she secretly dates the guy; behind her parents back, because of this reason.

  39. i have a connection with this storie whem one of my friend like this girl and she liked him back but he couldnt do any thing about it because one of his friend was already trying to get at her.

  40. I can relate to Romeo and Juliet because one time last year. Two of my friends liked each other last year, but they couldnt be together because he was a lot older than her, and she would have gotten in trouble and so would he.

  41. When Romeo liked Rosaline and she didn't like him back, it reminded me of a girl that had a crush on my brother... he didn't like her back. When Rosaline didn't accept his love, Romeo felt bad. I think the girl who liked my brother in elementary felt bad too.

  42. well me and juliet are the same we've been in love and are families hate each other

  43. me and juliet are the same because we've been in love and are families are hate each other


  44. i had a friend She waSz realLy nice n kOoL i met her in 8th grade. She had falLin in Love wit diSz bOy She had met n were reaLy in Love but her parentSz didnt accept her wit dat boy cuSz he waSz nOt wat dey wanted fOr her. sO She eScaped frOm her hOuSe juSz tO be with him. They bOth were perfect frOm each Other and since den i havent taLked 2 her.

  45. I knew this one girl who had to secretly date this one guy, because of the age difference. He was 17 and she was 12. About 6 months into their relationship, her mom found out and for a while it was a mess. But she wouldn’t stop seeing him no matter what her mom said, then finally, her parents decided to allow her to date this boy. They are still together =]

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  47. the connection here is that i wen to italy with my mom few years ago. it was a country side and we were there to visit some relatives. we had a great time and we learn alot about the country. the scenes there were great and we took alot of pictures.
