Friday, March 20, 2009

Romeo's dream

At the beginning of this scene, Act 5, scene 1, lines 5-9 Romeo tells us a little about a dream he had in Mantua. He's exiled and living in another city but he's happy and expects to see Juliet again soon. He says:
I dreamt my lady came and found me dead
(Strange dream that gives a dead man leave to think!)
And breathed such life with kisses in my lips
That I revived and was emporer.
But that's all he tells us. I'd like you to fill in the blanks of this dream. What exactly did he see, what was the place in his dreams like? Were there colors? What does an Emporer look like? Dreams are always different from real life. Describe Romeo's dream in detail. Minimum 50 words.


  1. romeo sees juliet in his dream. his dream was juliet finding him dead somewhere. the setting is Mantua.(city)romeo was revived by juliet and was now the emporer. they were all in shadows. romeo then wakes up.

  2. i think he dreamt that he was on the floe dead nd his woman saw him dead in a pool of blood, she held him in her arms kissing him but he dead so he cant feel it. I think it was in color though. Then he woke up nd notice that he was an emporor

  3. It means he saw himself asleep with juliet kissing him repeatedly. With the look of an emperor with a crown, fancy clothes and lots of riches. Dreams are different because they are made up things that are thought in some ones sleep.

  4. What had happen was that he dreamed that he had killed himself with a posion that he bought,because he found out that Juliet had died. Then he says something wierd like he can think even though he is dead. Now he is wakened up by the great kiss of his love, and is in his emporer. Then BOOM. He wakes up to a very sad chatter his friend tells him

  5. i think that he was in a happy place because it was all alot of bright colors and he was having a good time with juliet thats what i think romeos dream was about

  6. In Romeo's dream he was laying down on a bed dead and Juliet walked into the room to find him like this. She quickly ran by his bedside and kissed his lips and he magically was revived back to life. He soon after that became emperor. The emperor, who was at this time, Romeo, was a tall and very handsome man dressed elegantly from head to toe with his empress on his side.

  7. Romeo saw himself dead and Juliet found him dead. it was a strange dream to dream so he was thinking. But the dream was a nice dream because when Juliet saw him dead she started kissing him and with her kisses she revived Romeo from his death bed and he was an emperor. A very rich emperor that lived in a huge house everythin was colorful and the house had gold every where. The emperor and his queen lived in luxery and they were happy and in love.

  8. He had a dream that he kissed Juilet when she was dead and she woke up so hes probley going to do this and that would wake her up

  9. romeos dream is about that juielt when he thinks shes dead and also and emperor is guy who wears a funny hat he rules the place and wears a warrior suit. in his his dream i think there were no colors at all in this hole dream. in his dream the place was like bad and good.

  10. Romeos dream is about that juliet when he thinks shes dead and also and emperor is guy who wears a fuuny hat he rules the place and wears like a warrior suit. in his dream i think there were no colors at all in this hole dream. In his dream he saw him self dead next to juliet and that she is kissing on his dream the place was like bad and good place at the same time because he is dead but at the same time he is next to juliet and kissing her at the same time

  11. he would be in a coffin and its pitch black and juliet opens the coffin and then she kisses him and wakes up

  12. he saw stuff like gonna happen and it wa color purple and yeah

  13. he saw juliet and the place was quiet. There was sad colors. this dream was very strange and left Romeo a lot to think about. the place was prbaly a when romeo dran the posion then juliet woke up and kissed him and she got the poison too.

  14. In Romeo's dream he was laying down on a bed dead and Juliet walked into the room. She quickly ran by his bedside and kissed his lips and he magically was revived back to life. He soon after vbecame king. The king(king at the time) Romeo, was a tall and very handsome man with juliet at his side.

  15. In Romeo's dream he was laying on the bed. He was dead. Then Juliet walked into the room and kissed him and brought him back to life. He then later became a prince. Then Juliet became his princess and they lived together

  16. In Romeo's dream, which was in black and white, he's dead and Juliet gives life to him through a kiss. He was given so much life when he arose, he had super powers, and had color. He was the Superman of back then and he used his super powers to become the emperor of all men. Any one who messed with him or Juliet was fried with his heat vision.

  17. In Romeo's dream, which was in black and white, he's dead and Juliet gives life to him through a kiss. He was givin so much life when he arose, he had super powers, and had color. He was the Superman of back then and he used his super powers to become the emperor of all men. Any one who messed with him or Juliet was fried with his heat vision.

  18. In Romeo's dream Romeo is dead. Juliet finds him dead and kisses him. He thinks that thinking of being dead is weird for a dead man to think. He then recieves a kiss from Juliet that revives him. When he was revived he turned in to the emporer. He is able to be in control of all the men.

  19. he imagens juliet kissing him, it was a quiet place with sad colors. it was an akward dream that left him wih a lot to think about

  20. In Romeo's dream, he is found dead on the floor in a dark room, when Juliet finds him dead she kisses him feverishly trying to bring him back. He revives, but not just as Romeo, no now he is Romeo the emperor. The dark bleak rooms are now brightly colored in blues, reds, yellows, and other various colors. He is dressed in a fancy outfit, with gold and silver embroidery, and fur trim =]

  21. Romeo saw alot of people around him.They thought he was dead until Juliet came by and kissed him and he woke up.Everything was blue and black in his eye vision.

  22. He saw that Juliet found him dead somewhere. There was sad colors of gray. The emporer was him when he woke up. So his dream was kind of awkward. He also dreamed that when he kissed her, he was poisoned by something. He thought that this dream was strange when he was a dead man.

  23. In his dream he was dead and Juliet came and found him that way. He thought it was a weird dream to have and to give thought to a dead man. Also in his dream Juliet gave him a kiss on the lips and with that he was alive and he was also emperor.

  24. In the beggining of the dream when juliet saw him laying on the floor dead the colors where gray, sad and depressing. Uliet was in tears crying over the body and all she wanted to do was give him one last kiss. As she placed her lips onto his the colors started to change from gloomy to purples, pinks, red green and blue. He awoke to looking a little surprised at what he saw his wife Juliet. They went off into the sunset to a wonderful house where people adored him and made him emperor. And they lived happily ever after. Or did they.....

  25. in romeo's dream, he is in a fine palace made of gummy bears and romeo is dead on the ground. then juliet comes in, and she sticks some chocolate kisses in his mouth, and suddenly, Romeo is alive again. then romeo is turned into an emperor.the emperor was really fat, because he eats too much. the end.

  26. Romeo is saying that he was lying dead in a palace. Juliet comes, and, finding him dead, started to kiss him. After Juliet kissed him, he magically wakes up and is an emperor. This dream is good and bad, because he is dead, but Juliet was able to save him. There were bright colors because of Juliet's lips.

  27. i think he dream that he was death and juliet was holding him in her arm and cry.and then he wake up right away.

  28. I think he saw Juliet kissing him when he wakes up from a long sleep and woke up to see beautiful things. I think he saw himself as an emperor dressed in expensive and royal clothes. He might have seen Juliet next to him as a bright angel with light shinning everywhere.

  29. In Romeo's dream, he is laying dead on the ocean beach. The sun is going down; the sky is color with orange and reddish. Warm wind blow gently, touching his skin. Suddenly he feels the kiss of Juliet. He opens his eyes, there he see his lover, Juliet, smiling at him.

  30. in romeos dream he sees himself with juliet and they are all dressed hella nice he sees himself kissing juliet also.

  31. He dreamt about how he was dead. Then Juliet comes along and gives him a nice kiss. But this magical kiss reieves him. When he woke up he felt better as ever. He was an emperor .

  32. Romeo lies on the cold hard ground dead. Then Juliet finds him and runs to his side. Heartbroken and shocked she collapses to her knees. She cries with painful sobs. She then leans to rest her head on his chests and continues to weep. She calms down and brings her head up to kiss Romeo on the lips. Just as she bring her lips to part his he wakes up. His revival made him feel like he could do anything.

  33. romeo saw himself laying in a coffin inside a church, it was dark at night, he was wearing his normal clothes. romeo start walking down the isle with her wedding clothes on and face filled with tears. she look at his face for a while then she starts leaning forward and kisses his lips, then he wakes up and return his kiss to juliet.
