Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Juliet's fears

Read Act 4, scene 3, lines 14-59. Juliet is in bed ready to drink the potion that Friar Laurence has given her. Tell me what things she is worried about. List at least three things that she thinks could go wrong.


  1. She might die
    Her Parents might get worried
    That she could be in coma

  2. 1.That the potion mite not work at all.
    2.She thinks mabe it's a posion that the frair gave to her because of her last marrige.
    3.She also thinks what if she is stifled in the tomb.

  3. 1- romeo might not get to her in time
    2- romeo might not know the plan
    3- the letter might not get to romeo in time

  4. her not waking up and romewo not going to get her and maybe even juliet running out of air

  5. 1.That she will marry Paris.
    2.That Romeo won`t come.
    3.That she might die in the vault thing.

  6. she thinks that shes going to wake up before romeo gets there. another is that something might go wrong with the poisin and she thinks she might die. i think that shes having second thoughts about the poisin but shes going to do it anways.

  7. juliet fears that she might wake up before romeao come,that she might not be able to breathe,and that she might stay dead

  8. Juliet is worried about getting married to Paris, and if the mixture would work on her.Juliet is also worried that if she drank the drug she would be poisoned and die.

  9. she might wake up before Romeo comes to get her
    the smell of the dead corpses might wake her up

  10. 1. i think athat she mite not wake up
    2. she could not wake up
    3. romeo could die
    that what i think

  11. 1. She thinks the friar could have mixed this potion to just kill her
    2. She's afraid it's poison
    3. She's scared that if she takes it then she might wake up in the coffin and she will suffocate before Romeo gets her

  12. basicly shes is worried for no reason and i think that she should just walk away from the hole thing.

  13. posion wont work
    will she be married tomorow morning??
    if romeo will receive the letter

  14. she might not wake up and romeo might thinks shes reaaly dead

  15. That the potion mite not work at all.
    She thinks mabe it's a posion that the frair gave to her because

  16. 1. She might die
    2. The poison might not work.
    3. Romeo might get hurt.

  17. 1. she might die
    2. romeo might think she is dead
    3. she might wake up at the wrong time

  18. 1. That she might die
    2.She's afraid that it's posion
    3. Also, that Romeo got the letter

  19. 1. She could never wake up.
    2. She may make misunderstanding's for Romeo.
    3. She wakes up to late .

  20. 1. She might die
    2. It won't work.
    3. She might suffocate.

  21. worries:

    1. What if the mixture doesn't work.
    2. What if its poison, and she dies.
    3. What if she wakes up befor romeo comes

  22. romeo might die
    he might not make it in time
    she will marry paris

  23. 1. Shes worried about not waking up
    2. shes worried shell have to marry paris
    3 shes worried she wont see romeo again

  24. 1. Juliet is worried whether Romeo will be there when she wakes up.
    2. She wonders if the potion will work.
    3. She fears the things that may happen during her funeral; like waking up with her parents there.

  25. 1. The mixture doesn't work.
    2. The potion kills her.
    3. She wakes up too early.

  26. She's worried that the potion will kill her.
    A few things that could go wrong are:
    -The Poison may not work
    -Marrying paris
    -Romeo might not be there for her in time
    -The friar might actually want her dead

  27. 1. romeo will worried.
    2. the drug might kill her.
    3. she will never see her family again

  28. 1.Potion might not work.
    2.It might kill her.
    3.Something happens and she still has to marry Paris and won't be able to be with Romeo.

  29. Three worries that juliet might have.
    1.She thinks that the Friar could have gave her posion so she could die.
    2.Romeo might think shes really dead.
    3.She would be married tomorrow morning to paris.

  30. 1.) She thinks that she might suffocate in the coffin
    2.)She is worried that romeo wont get the letter
    3.)She thinks Romeo wont get there in time.

  31. 1.the drug might not work
    2.Friar Laurence might trick her to kill her.
    3.she's afraid the drug might last faster than it should.

  32. 1. the drug wont work
    2. the friar gave her poison instead of the drug that will put her to sleep.
    3. she is put in her grave before Romeo comes, and she wakes up inside her grave. she then dies of suffocation.

  33. 1. Whether the potion would work.
    2. Whether the potion was actually poison and kill her.
    3. The thought of waking up before Romeo comes

  34. 1.Shes afraid its posion
    2.Romeo Won't Come
    3.She Might Get Married The Next Day
    4.Might Not Wake Up

  35. 1.Juliet thinks that the mixture might not work
    2.She is worried about if she going to wake up
    3.She is worried about being in the tomb with the vault

  36. 1. she thinks it might not work
    2.if romeo will get the letter
    3.shes scared she will be buried alive

  37. the potion wont work
    romeo wont know the plan
    it is posion

  38. Juliet might fall into a deep sleep which people might think she's dead, and Romeo might think she is as well. She doesn't know what she is doing. Well, she doesn't know if it will work.

  39. juliet may not be able to wake up and it may not work for them.

  40. 1 the potion wont work
    2 she will have to merry paris in the morning
    3 romeo might not even get the letter she will die in the tomb alive.

  41. 1. She might never wake up again.
    2. She might not see Romeo when she wakes up.
    3. Her parents very cry over her or bury her even before when she wakes up.

  42. SHe might not wake up
    The potion might not work
    SHe might not ever get to see romeo in the morning

  43. Romeo dont come get here
    She might not wake up
    The potion might not work
