Monday, March 16, 2009

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law says: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
Look over Act 4, scene 1, lines 89-120. This is the Friar's plan to get Romeo and Juliet out of their problem, to allow them to live happily ever after.
Tell me five things that might go wrong with the Friar's plan. (Number them)


  1. 1. juliet has to marry paris
    2. they cant be alone
    3. the liquor might kill romeo
    4. the letter might not get to him in time
    5. romeo cant be around town

  2. if they do the frair plan it might not work.
    maybe something might go wrong too.they should of think of another way to do this and yeah. and juliet might wake up on time.
    and or romeo might not get to the thing on time.

  3. 1. Juliet might not wake up at the right time.
    2. The drug might not work
    3. Romeo might think shes really dead
    4. Romeo might not hear what shes going
    5. Juliet might marry Paris.

  4. i think that what ever the friars tryiong to do to hepl them it going to go wroung n a bad bad way im just gessing
    1. it not going to work
    2. sum ones going to die
    3. sum ones going to stand alone
    4. uhm sum 1 going to die
    5. one of them is going to feel stupid for trying to make it work

  5. 1.well one thing is that juliet might not wake up and something could goh wrong with the poisin. 2.romeo might not show up in time to drink wake her up. 3.maybe nobody will wake her up ans she might really die. 4.romeo could have never gotten the letter in time and doesnt know whats going on. 5. drug might not work.

  6. 1.Juliet might not wake up on time.
    2.Romeo might come to late.
    3.The drug might not work.
    4.Romeo might think she is really dead and kill himself.
    5.Juliet might marry Paris.

  7. the poison might juss kill her
    poison might not even work
    romeo might kill himself thinking shes dead
    romeo might knoe of the plan and think she was dead
    juliet might kill herself after she married paris

  8. Juliet mifht not wake up
    poison might not work
    juliet might marry parisromeo might think she's really dead
    romeo might not hear what she is doing

  9. 1. Juliet might marry paris and kill her self
    2. Romeo might not hear what she is doing
    3. Juliet might not wake up the time
    4. Drug mite not work

  10. soqme body going to getw killed
    somebody gona get hurt
    some one is gona cry
    some one is mad
    juliet is mad

  11. 1.they might get killed
    2. he might die
    3. he can get caught by the guards
    4.romeo and juliet might not get in love
    5. him and juliet will not get married

  12. 1. Romeo may not recive the letter in time.
    2. Juliet will either marry Paris or kill herself because of that.
    3.Poision mite not work.
    4. Juliet might not wake up at the right time.
    5. Romeo might not hear what she is doing.

  13. 1.Juliet might get married in Paris
    2.Juliet might not wake up at the time she is suppose to
    3.Romeo might think that Juliet doesnt want him anymore.
    4.Romeo might not know what Juliet is doing at the moment.
    5.Romeo and Juliet might not talk to eachother for a while.

  14. 1. Juliet might marry paris and kill her self
    2. Romeo might not hear what she is doing
    3. Juliet might not wake up the time
    4. Drug mite not work

  15. 1. Juliet might marry paris and kill her self
    2. Romeo might not hear what she is doing
    3. Juliet might not wake up the time
    4. Drug mite not work

  16. 1. the drug wont work
    2. romeo wont be told of the plan
    3. the nurse wont leave her alone
    4. juliet wont wake up at the right time
    5. romeo will kill himself because he thinks juliet is dead

  17. 1. The poison might kill Juliet
    2. The poison will not work
    3. Romeo's going to kill himself since Juliet will be "dead"
    4. The nurse will know the plan and ruin everything
    5. Juliet won't wake up the right time, or wake up TOO early

  18. someone will die
    romeo might not make it in time
    juliet will marry paris
    the posion might not work
    someone will be injured emotionally

  19. 1. The potion might not work.
    2. Juliet's family might find out.
    3. Romeo might think she's really dead.
    4. She might wake up during her funeral.
    5. She might never see her family again.

  20. 1. Romeo can be anywhere outside the city
    2. The Friar might be caught doing the act
    3. Juliet has to marry Paris
    4. The potion might not work
    5. Juliet might wake up too early if the drug or potion works.

  21. 1. Romeo will think that Juliet really dead
    2. Juliet might never wakes up again because there might be something worng with the drug.
    3. Whne Juliet wake up Romeo might not be there because he don't know the news.
    4. Juliet might marry Paris after Romeo not there
    5. Juliet might get burry before she awake.

  22. 1. The drug might kill her
    2. Romeo might think shes really dead
    3. Romeo might not know what shes going
    4. Juliet might have to marry Paris.
    5. Juliet might wake up at the wrong time

  23. 1. While Juliet attends the wedding she has a heartattack.

    2. While thinking of Romeo while walking back and fourth around the balcony, Juliet trips and falls off the balcony.

    3. Juliet falls victim to a random mugger.

    4. Juliet gets run over by a random horse that breaks her back.

    5. Juliet opens a barrle that is filled with flying monkeys that grabs a sword and kills Juliet.

    6. A meteor flies into the earth smashing Juliet.

  24. 1. When she drinks it, the potion will not work.
    2. Romeo may think she really is dead
    3. The friar might be tricking her
    4.Juliet might not wake up
    5. Romeo might come to late

  25. 1.The Potion Might Not Work
    2.They Both Die
    3.Romeo Might Not Be There
    4.Juilet Marrys Paris
    5.Romeo Turns Out To Marry Roseline

  26. 1. Juliet will marry Paris
    2. People will think she is really dead and bury her before she wakes up from the drug.
    3. The drug may cause her to really die
    4. She will be caught
    5. Romeo will kill himself

  27. 1. The poision might kill her

    2. Juliet will not wake up in time

    3. Romeo misunderstands, not knowing what is happening and suicides

    4. Juliet hits her head and falls madly in love with Paris

    5. Romeo plans a attack on paris to ensure no enemies.

  28. 1. The drug might kill Juliet.
    2. Friar Lawrence gave Juliet the wrong drug.
    3. Romeo will go to the wrong coffin and wait forever for a dead person to wake up.
    4. Juliet will have a sudden change of heart and marries Paris.
    5. Romeo ditches Juliet for another girl he finds.

  29. 1.the liquor might kill her
    2.romeo get misunderstood and kill himself
    3.they might put her on the ground and she cant come back up.
    4.she might never wake up again.
    5.romeo might attack paris when he find out about the marriage.

  30. 1. Someone may get hurt.
    2. The drug may not work properly.
    3. Romeo may not come on time.
    4. Someone may mess it all up.
    5. Juliet might die somehow.

  31. 1.Juliet might not wake up
    2.Romeo might think that Juliet is really dead and commit suicide
    3.Friar might give Juliet some real poison on accident
    4. Juliet's parents might not belive it
    5. Juliet might wake up too early or too late.

  32. 1.) The drug might not work right.
    2.) Romeo might not be able to make it back at the right time.
    3.) Someone else might find out about the plan like Paris or her parents.
    4.) She might die
    5.) Romeo might die.

  33. 1. The nurse might not leave her alone that night.
    2. She might chicken out at the end.
    3. The drug doesn't work
    4. The drug works to well and actually kills her
    5. Romeo might come to visit her that night and think she's dead.

  34. the five things that will go wrong is
    1. juliet is gonna get killed
    2. people will get mad
    3. romeo might kill himself
    4. people gonna get hurtt
    5. juliet might marry paris

  35. 1.The nurse might stay with Juliet instead of leaving her.
    2.She might not drink what he told her to.
    3.If she does drink it, it might not work, it could really kill her.
    4.They all could get caught in the process.
    5.Romeo might not show up/ he could get killed.

  36. 1. romeo will kill him self
    2. romeo will cry
    3. the potion wont work
    4. she wont do it on time
    5. she might go OD (over dosed)

  37. five things that may go wrong with the Friar's plans are:
    1)the potion may not work
    2)If juliet was to take the potion, she may not wake up at the right time
    3)Someone might mess the plan up
    4)someone may find out about the plan
    5)juliet might not drink the potion

  38. 1. the drug might not work
    2. romeo wont recieve the letter in time.
    3. she might recieve the wrong drug.
    4. she might never wake up again.
    5. People will think she is really dead and bury her before she wakes up from the drug.

  39. 1 juliet has to merry romeo
    2 the drug wont work
    3 she might die forever
    4 romeo never gets the message
    5 juliet merries paris

  40. 1. Everyone will think that Juliet is dead and it'll just be bad in general

  41. 1.I think that the potion might be for something else then to help her.
    2.Worried that her parents might get mad cause she drunk a potion without them knowing
    3.It might effect her and Romeo relationship.
