Monday, March 23, 2009

Who's to blame?

During the Middle Ages not much was known about germs or infection. People knew that once one person got sick there was a good chance his neighbors and friends would be similarly afflicted. The only remedy they could come up with was to lock sick people up in their houses until they either died or got better.
In lines 5 to 12 of this scene Friar John (the man who was supposed to go to Mantua to alert Romeo to the ruse that Friar Laurence had devised) tells of being locked in a house with sick people.
The result was that Romeo never got the message. I'd like you to assign blame for this (fatal) lapse. Who screwed up? And please explain exactly how you think this person screwed up.
Answers of one sentence or overly short answers will not receive full credit.


  1. I think that it was Romeo`s fault that this happened. He got the letter from the friar but the wind blew it away and he didnt bother to look for it. That is why i think it was his fault this happened.

  2. well i think the friar screwed up because he should of came to romeo in person then give him the details to the plan. sending out letters is a good thing but it might not get to the person in time or the person dont check their mail at all.

  3. I think it's the friar's fault that Romeo did not get the message about Juliet's plan. I think he's the one person that screwed up. I think he screwed up because he should have just stayed out of their business. As much as he was trying to help, he just messed it up and made more problems. I think if he just told Juliet to be straight up with her family and everyone else that wanted her to merry Paris, things would have mos def been hard, but it coulda been easier in the end.

  4. the persons fault is mantua becasue he was suppose to bring the letter on time but he didnt probalby because he didnt know what was going on with the plan and jumped to conclusions.

  5. Well i think it was two peoples fault well i will start off with frair he should of just told romeo face to face instead of writing a note.

  6. Well I think that it was two people's fault. First I'm going to start off with the Frair, why? Because if he really wanted to tell Romeo, he should have told him face to face not on a note. Second I would blame some of it on Romeo, only because the note was with him and he lost it, what the ***** is that! I think that if you are going to have a letter in your hand you should read it. But that is what happened and resulted in Romeo's death.

  7. i think that Romeo is to blame. He dropped the not like a Dummas. If he would have read the message instead of dropping it on the floor he would have known of the plan. And if wouldnt have killed Tybalt he wouldnt have been exiled and it would have been easier for him to get the massage

  8. I blame the friar becase he was supposed to make sure that Romeo got the letter but he didnt. The friar was supposed to go to Mantua and give Romeo the letter face to face but instead he sended it by mail. He didnt read the letter and he thought she was really dead then he killid himself.

  9. i think the frair screwed up becuase he left the note where romeo cant read it easly and i think it was so dumb for him to leave a lil note or paper in a windy day.

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  11. i was just this weekend i was locked in my house and like every body in my house is sick and so was i but thats like the same way all the time

  12. Well i think it was two peoples fault well i will start off with frair he should of just told romeo face to face instead of writing a note.

  13. it was romeos fault because he got a letter but what i think should have happened is that the frier should have told romeo first and then they probably could have been together.
    he should have never killed himself.

  14. I think that Mantua is to blame because, Romeo was supposed to waot for the FRIARS message, and i guess Mantua had bad timing and told romeo that she is dead. So if Mantua didn't give him the message, Romeo would sitll be awaiting for the Friar's message to romeo

  15. I say the fault is at the friar's and Romeo's. The friar should have told Romeo about the plans face to face rather then sending a letter. Romeo's fault was that he had the letter but didn't bother to look for it when he lost it or even read the letter.

  16. i think that this is friar laurence's fault because he should have thought of a better way to get the news to Romeo. it wasnt friar john's fault because he was sick, or at a risk of getting sick. it was friar laurence's because he should have had a backup plan, and he should know the whereabouts of friar john if he didnt know whether or not the plan would work.

  17. First, I think that the Friar Lawrence is to blame. If he didn't use the message way of communication, this misunderstanding of Juliet being dead wouldn't happen. If he told Romeo face to face, then none of this would've happened. Messages don't really arrive on time, or not arrive at all. Friar John isn't to blame because getting sick wasn't his choice.

  18. I thinbk it is 3 people's fault. I think it is Juliet's, Romeo's and the friar's fault. If Juliet was going to do this she should of at least warned her new husband! And the Friar should of talked to Romeo in person. In situations like this, mail is not reliable, especially in those days. And it is Romeo's fault to, because he should of gone to ask the friar what happened to his wife. They are all at fault.

  19. I think that most of the blame should have gone to Friar John because he should have delivered the letter, but Friar Lawrence was partially to blame because he should have told him the letter was very important.

  20. I think it is Romeos falut for not being there for getting the msg in time but then it could be the Frairs fault too for not waiting and getting it to him directly.

  21. It is Friar John's fault and Friar Lawarence's fault that the message did not go through. Friar John was not able to do his job and get the message over to Romeo. He's so stupid to get locked up in a closet and for gtting caught. Friar Lawerence should have chosen someone else to deliver the message.

  22. I think the Friar screwed up because it was his fault to not get out of the place in time and was locked in. He should have given the letter to someone else who was still outside. Or, he should have sent the letter out earlier so nothing like that would happen.

  23. i think this is everyone's fault. friar lawrence should've go and tell romeo face to face, but then he was busy helping juliet to escape from the marriage so it's not entirely his fault. romeo should look more carefully for the letters he recieves because just one wrong step took him to another path so i think both of them are at fault.

  24. i think it it frair and mantua fault. the reason i think is frair because this is an important think and he should had tell face to face. i also think it is mantua fault because he deliver the letter late, maybe beecause he doesnt know what is going on.

  25. I think that it was Romeos and the friars fault. It was the friars fault because he should have done it face to face, and romeos fault because romeo lost the note.

  26. I think it was the Friar's fault because he new about that Juliet wanted to make sure Romeo found out so, he wouldn't try to kill himself. There was one problem Romeo never got the letter because all the mail people got sick so they locked them up until they got better, so Romeo never got the letter. The thing the Friar should have done was tell Romeo face to face but, he chose to do it by a letter, that would get lost and never read. And we all know what happens next.

  27. I think the person to blame is The Friar. With plan's this big, no way a letter is good enough. Just like in movie's,plans are always spoken in person. They should have thought better then to keep it in a simple letter. Being in a letter misfortune's can happen like losing it or someone else reading it.

  28. I beilive that the friar was the one responsible, because he should have known how un-reliable the mail is. And with something so important he should have told him face to face just to make sure that he got the message.

  29. I believe that blame is to be put on the Friar becuase if he really needed to get his point across, a note in the mail would not have been sent. He would have just done it face to face.

  30. i think it was the frairs fault for not telling him what they were going to do.

  31. I think that it cant be blame on anyone because that none of them know what will happen. Like Frair John doesnt know that he will be lock up. And the same thing for Frair Lawrence, he trusted him but somwthing happened so suddently.

  32. I think that it was mostly Friar's fault because it was such an important message and he mailed it. That was a really bad decision to make. Things in the mail get lost or do not arrive on time. He should have sent someone that he trusted to give the message to Romeo in person. Then maybe his plan would have worked better. Also I think that his plan is not a good one he should have just went to go talk to Juliet's dad and tell him the situation.

  33. i think it was fairs and juliets fault because they both agreed to use the potion and i say that it was dumb for them to do it. i say that they should of made a better idea that juliet would runaway and everyone would of thought she got kidnapped.

  34. I think that it was the Friar Laurence's fault. I think this because he was the one who devised this plan but he was able to fufill his part in his own plan. How hard is it to tell Romeo face to face about his plan!?

  35. I think it's Friar's fault for not telling the message to Romeo in person instead of telling him in the letter, so now Romeo doesn't know why he couldn't get it him, or know what the plan he was going to succeed, with him.

  36. i think that its friars fault because it was an important message and he is the one who mailed it and that is why its his fault

  37. um hello. if any of u guys had actually read Romeo and Juliet u would know that mantua is the city not a person and the friar had no choice but to send a letter. the wedding date had been moved up so he had to quickly send romeo a letter telling him the change of plans. friar john wasn't let into mantua because of a sickness so he couldn't get the letter to romeo. no one is to blame. it was all an accident
