Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Romeo is exiled, never able to return to his home and family. Compare Romeo's situation to this one
a US soldier who has voluntarily exiled himself to Canada rather than fight in the war in Vietnam.
How is this person's experience different or the same as Romeo's? How would you feel if you had to leave the US without the possibility of ever coming back?


  1. this guys experience is so much different because he had a choice he could have went to jail or he could have just went to the army and go to war in vietnam and it is kind of the same because he killed someone just like romeo killed someone.

  2. aha.uhhm they are two different sitations
    this guy could of went to jail or he could of have went to the war in vietnam and just faught no he cant cum back home or they will get him i gess but romeo they made locked the gates on himk so he could not cum back because they didnt want anymore so they are kinda alike but the guy didnt want to go to war and romeo didnt want to leave the ciie

  3. the soldier and romeo has a different situation because the soldier left on his own will and romeo have to leave by the superior's order, i would feel really bored without my friends who lived in the US, but i would move to ASIA :)

  4. if i ever had to leave the United states i would so sad i would see no friends and my family would be so sad

  5. Romeo and the U.S. soldier are a little similar because they both left for a reason. The soldier left because he didnt want to fight in vietnam, romeo on the hand was exiled and forced to leave instead of just doing it by himself. I would teared apart from my family if i had to leave the United states.

  6. that one guys is experience is so much diferent because he had choice. And he killed some just like romeo did.

  7. Its way diffrent beacuse the other guy had two choices he could of went to jail or he could of went to the viatname to war.

  8. Its way diffrent beacuse the other guy had two choices he could of went to jail or he could of went to the viatname to war.

  9. In the story about the US soldier, the soldier exiled himself. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo got exiled by someone else. The two situations are different because the soldier chose to exile himself and he wasnt really trippin about what he would lose whereas in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo had no choice but to leave and never see his home and family ever again. The situations are similar in the sense that they both involve exilation but theyre different because someone chose to be exiled and someone was exiled.

  10. the guy didnt go to war but he went to canada, romeo killed someone but he had to leave his city. the situtaion is different

  11. Well I feel that Romeo being exiled is very harsh, but he also did deserve it. Now about the solder being exiled i feel that it is a bad move. But more power to him!

  12. its a whole different sitution becuase romeo have to by a superior;s

  13. well he had 2 chioses he would be in the army and kill like romeo killed tybalt or he woould go to jail for rejecting

  14. the other guy had a choice to either go to jail or stay in prison and romeo didnt he got sentenced out of verona forever. theres not much simialrity in that

  15. its two different situations the soldier would of went to jail and romeo would of been killed so its different

  16. If I was to get exiled from the US without the possibility of ever coming back I would be so upset and sad that I would prolly want to die. My whole life is in the US and I dont think I could picture myself living anywhere else but. I would do it though, if I had to. I would prolly go to the Philippines and live with family. It'd be family I never met before but I mean, what else could I do?

  17. Well i think that the this person experience is different from Romeo's is because what ever romeo does the guy really doesnt need to so i think they have a different paths so you cant really tell.

  18. the two men situation are very different, while romeo is faced with no choice the soldier has two options to choose from

  19. The solidgers experience is diffrent from romeos because he went in exile willingly.
    If i were to have to leave the u.s. i would be very sad but then again it would be for my own good.

  20. The difference between Roemo and the soldier is that the soldier wanted to deploy there, rather than being forced out as Romeo was.
    If I were to leave the U.S. without ever coming back, I know that I would be very dissapointed. I would be upset because there is not any other place like the U.S. (in my perspective at least).

  21. Same: They both aren't allowed to come back.

    Different: Romeo did not choose to leave, but the ex war soldier did.

    Personally i would be extremely sad if i had to leave my family and friends. Especially if it was against my will. But as long as i could keep in touch with them i think i would actually be alright.

  22. to compare the two, i say that romeo had his life harder. the soldier who chose to escape the war has many choices which is to die, jail, or punishment. if i had to leave the united states, i would be kind of sad since i will be away from family and friends.

  23. Mr.Hinzman's situation was different from Romeo's because he chose to leave his country, while Romeo doesn't want to be exiled. Another difference is that Mr. Hinzman wanted peace while Romeo wanted to kill. It's the similar because they both broke the law. I would feel terrible if I had to leave the US without the possibility of ever coming back.

  24. The us Soldier exiled himself from Canda experience is actually different. The soldier chose to exile himself, he wasn't made to as a consequence. Romeo didn't want to be exiled. Being exiled would mean not being able to see friends, relatives, and his wives. If i where to leave the Us an d not be able to come back, i would be really sad. I am not familiar or used to the ways of other places. The system of how things work would be different. I also wouldn't be able to see friends or family anymore, a even bigger bummer.

  25. I don't think that Romeo and The soldier do not have anything similar besdies the situation of being "exiled" or the soldiers case, Sent to prison. Unike romeo, He had an option to participate in the war or go to jail. I think i would be upset if i was forced to leaver the US Leaving behind many friends and family.

  26. The Same: They both cant come back to the U.S.
    Difference: Romeo got kicked out and told never to come back. This guy volunteered to leave and never come back.

    I would think positive reaction and a negative. Positive because I can experience something new I could be a new person. Negative because I would miss my family and would be hurt because I could never see them again unless they cam to visit me.

  27. i think that Romeo's and the soldiers situations are similar. Romeo had to leave or else he would get sentenced to death, and the soldierm had to leave, or else he would get arrested. Romeo to leave because he was being forced, and the soldier left because he didnt want to go to war. but i understand the soldier's point of view because i wouldnt like the idea of possibly dying in Vietnam.
    if i had to leave the US without the ever going back, i would be very sad, because i would never be able to see my friends again, unless they followed me, but thats unlikely.

  28. Romeo and Mr. Hinzman have different situations. Romeo was forced to leave by the Prince while Mr. Hinzman chose to leave. He took the lesser of two evils. If I were to leave the US, I would feel sad a first, but know that it is not the end.

  29. The US soldier is similar to Romeo because they both left where they were before, and both went on a path that had no route to home. However, The US soldier ran away for his own cause, while Romeo was told to be exiled.
    If I were to leave the US, and never come back, I would feel very homesick. It is okay to leave the country for a while, but I cannot imagine not seeing my friends and family for the rest of my life.

  30. i think that the soldier and romeo has a different situation because the soldier across the border on his own and consider canada is his own country. but romeo didnt want to leave the city

  31. I think Jermy the solider has, the same experience as Romeo because he was exiled from the United States. And Romeo was exiled out of the town, if he chooses to come back he'll die.
    I think he made a good choice for himself, he doesn't want to fight and kill. So, I guess he needs a new job.

  32. I think that Romeo and Mr. Hinzman have two differnt stories. The only similarity is that they were both exiled. I would feel depressed if I was exiled from the US. The US have many things to offer from the beaches to shopping, amusement parks, and good colleges.

  33. Jeremy's experience is different from Romeo's because he wants to be exiled so he won't fight in the war. Jeremy doesn't want to shoot anyone, so he just left. Romeo was forced to be exiled. If I had to leave and never come back, I’d feel sad, but if I know someone there or my whole family is going then it’s okay.

  34. They both are exiled for reasons that are not right. Their situations are different because the US soldier exiled himself because he did not want to go to war and Romeo was exiled by the prince for killing Tybalt. Romeo is exiled for killing and the soldier is exiled for not killing. If I had to leave the the US without the possibility of coming back, the only thing that I would miss is the people that I would be leaving behind.

  35. i think it was his choices of doing that and if he didnt want to go to vietnam to fight it was for a reason that he believes is bettern than living in the united states.

  36. there's is two diferences in this issue. one is that romeo is being force to move away, the other one is that this soldier guy only have 2 choices and he chose to leave instead of going to vietnam to be killed. romeo didnt had any choice to make unlike the soldier guy.
    i think i would be okay if i have to move to another country that speak the same language as i speak.

  37. i think it was his choices of doing that and if he didnt want to go to vietnam to fight it was for a reason that he believes is bettern than living in the united states.

  38. I think the situation between Romeo and Mr. Hinzman are different. The difference is that Romeo got exile because he kills a man that killed his friend, is like an eye for an eye? But Mr. Hinzman got exile is because he doesn't want to do something that the government force him to do. He move out the country because he doesn’t want to involve in killing any one. But the government have exile him because he doesn't do what they ask him to do.

  39. The US Solider and Romeo situation are both different situations, because one, the US Solider left on his own because he didn't want to shoot anyone, and on the other hand Romeo killed Tybalt intentionally, in a way because he wanted revenege for his best friends death.

    And What is the same about then is they both can't go back to the place there already in, and what's different is the situation why, they were exiled, like solider not doing his duties, and romeo vengeces... (sp?)

  40. I think he was in the same postion as Romeo because they both picked to be exiled or not.I would feel bad about the descion I made about going there and not knowing i could never go back home.

  41. romeo is exiled because he killed tybalt and soldier because he didnt go to war. and then there situations are similar because they both are exiled. i would feel really sad and bad if i had to leave the u.s and never come back.

  42. I dont think that Romeo and the soldier dont really have anything in common because Romeo was not exiled by choice. The soldier could have severd in the war and been let back into the US. It was his decision to go to canada. Romeo was exiled and he didnt have any other choice.

  43. if i was juliet i would of said so amny things to my parents first of all i would cry and be so mad st the same time i would tell them then why the hell did you made me anyway if you didnt want me to be alive right now. and im going to stay in the house no matter what you say and marry who ever the hell i want to marry. i make my owns dicisions, choices and my ways of rules its my life i'll live however i want.

  44. think it was his choices of doin that and if he aiint want to go to Nam to fight it was for a reason that he believes is betta than livin in the US.

  45. Its diffrent beacuse the other guy had two choices he could of went to jail or he could of went to the viatname to war.Romeo didnt have a choice he had to get out of the city
