Friday, March 13, 2009

Arranged marriages

Are there circumstances under which you would approve of an arranged marriage?
1. What about Third World countries where customs are different from the US? Would you support laws banning arranged marriages in India or any number of Muslim countries?
2. Suppose your parents arranged a marriage with someone you'd never met but you knew the person was wealthy and smart and very popular.
What about the opposite? Should parents be allowed to prevent you from marrying someone if you are not 16?


  1. i think those circumstaces are arranged marriage and that your parent are allowed to prevent marriage if you are not over the age of 16.

  2. There is no reason whatsoever of why I would approve of arranged marriages. Marriage is here so that two people that love each other can dedicate the rest of their lives to one another. I think that if you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone that you should really love that person-if you don't, that would really suck. I don't know what to say about Third World countures that have different customs than the US. I respect the arranged marriages because I know that there are people that have to do that type of stuff, but I would not personally do it myself. If my parents tried to set up my marriage with someone in general, wealthy and smart or not, I would not do it. I would be like Juliet in this case and be thankful for them finding someone like that for me, but I can't be thankful if they force me to do something that I don't want to do.

  3. yes they should because you shouldent be able to get married at the age of 16 you should have to adleast wait unteal you are 18 but if that person was rich and smart and had a good head on his sholders i would marry them

  4. the fist question i dont get.? but i wouldnt marry somebody that i didnt know just because there rich in order to get married you would have to be in love with that person. i kind of dont think they should prevent us to marry if were not older than 16 because if we want to marry them then then whats the difference between now and later. but then again they are your parents and you have the right to listen to them if they dint want you to get married.

  5. i would not support other marriages in other countries because i dont live their and i dont have problems with arranged marriages. if i have to marry a girl that i never knew, i might probaly do it. both parents should agree if they dont want their child to be married they should stop it in my opinion.

  6. NO I WOULD NOT SUPPORT INDIA FOR BANNING MARRIAGES BECAUSE IF THE GIRL YOU WANT TO MARRY THEY SHOULD LET U GET MARRIED. I would not care because it matters whats in the inside and she has to cute.

  7. i think its stupid to tell people who they want to marrie i think you should just marrie who you fall in love with . if my parents had a arrange marrige for me i woulkd not want to talk to them ever agin because marrieg is somthing you do wen you fall in love and i would just marrie who i want to

  8. if it was my choice i would not approve of arranged marriages because it is'nt right people should want to merry who they want to merry.

    if my parents did that to me i would be really mad because i dont want to be with some my whole life that i dont even love and i would do what juliet did and merry who i want to merry.

    parents should not be allowed to tell you who you should merry.

  9. 1.yea i would stop that who want to marrie sum one they dont no or dont wanna no the pesron just let them chose who every they wann spen the rest of ther life with

    2.i would be realy mad at my parents b ecause i dont want to be with sum one just cuz they have money or cuz ther wealthy i want sum 1 i can love

  10. if you under 16 teen your perents should be able to stop a wedding but she shouldnt be able to pick who you marry

  11. I would not support the whole marriage thing going on in India or other country because its not my problem. If your parents want you to get married because they decided to then it's fine because its their opinion on who they want you to marry.

  12. I think that parents shouldent even do enithing when it comes to marrige and who are there kids supose to go out with because people need to know who they want to speand her or his hole intier life with because if you speand your life whit somebody you dont even like it wont be love in the relathionship thats all i have to say

  13. Yes i would do that and when i get married i will like to get married in my hometown and like when other people got married back in the days it was diiferent then it is now in the time.

  14. i wouldnt mind to marry someone hella rich nd sexii, but i dont support the fact that there is alot of people that have to get marryed to someone they dont even knoe

  15. In my opinion, I believe that arranged marriges are stupid, regardless of the person is rich, or anything else. If you are going to be forced to marry someone who you will be with for (hopefully) the rest of your life, the person should be someone of your choice who you love. If I had kids right now, and I was thinking about an arranged marriage, i would definetely let that choice be made by them rather than me.

  16. i believe that arranged marriages are kind of ok thing and a bad thing. the ok thing is that when the parents arranged a marriage, they might have to do it in order to save their family name. the bad thing is about whether the son/daughter might like the person or not. if i had to have a arranged marriage, i wouldn't mind but the person has to b kind. i support that parents can prevent you from marrying if you are not 16...they have their reasons.

  17. i think its not right for your parents to choose who you marry as well as i think they have no rights telling you when and what age you ARE TO MARRY. the person you marry should be the one you want to spend the rest of your life with by choice

  18. Personnally I don't like arranged marriages. I would not support laws about arranged marriage. I don't want to marry someone whos just wealthy or smart. They can be terrible people. Marriage shuldn't really come down to their wealth, their smarts, or their looks, or anything like that. I do beleive though, that parents should stop a marriage if both of the children are under 16.

  19. 1. in india, they have there own laws, but i still think that arranged marriage is unfair. i would not aprrove of arranged marriage no matter where it is.
    2. if my parents arranged me to marry someone that i didnt know, that would be really uncool. i dont like the idea of arranged marriage, even if they are rich, popular, and smart.
    3. i think that getting married before you are 16 is too young. some people dont know how to make their own choices, and i think that if some people got married before they were 16, then they might have made a very bad choice.

  20. In my opinion arranged marrige is up to there culture and what happens. Really i could care less about others marrige situations, nut if it happened to me i would be extreamly defensive in my right to choose a wife of whom i love. Parents shouldn't have any consent in when there kids get married because 12 year olds can get married in other countrys than the U.S.

  21. Arranged marriages are unfair. But their are cirumstances where its required. Like as a peaqce treaty to other countries. But now and days it shouldn't be recquired. I would support banning arranged marriages, since the person that is getting married may not like and approve of it. even if my parents arranged a marriage with me for a wealthy girl I've never met, i would still deny. I don't know anything about her, so its not true love. Yes parents should be allowed to prevent you from getting married before your 16, since they are your parents they should be able to pick whats good for yout future.

  22. No I wouldnt support arranged marriages.I think it is wrong to be forced to marry someone you dont know.
    I wouldnt marry that girl because I wouldnt really like her.only as a friend.Yea parents should be able to prevent you from marring at age 16

  23. 1. In other countries it is a custom to have arranged marriages. I think they are fine if that's what you believe in. I definetly NOT support laws to ban arranged marriages. It is like banning Christianity or any other religion.
    2. I think that I would not like an arranged marriage for myself. I think that my parents should not allow me to marry someone if I am under 16. I would be stupid and not ready. I'm only human.

  24. I do not believe in arranged marriages. I think people should marry anyone they choose and love. I fully support people who want to make arranged marriages allegal, it's not right and unfair to the person. Parents shouldn't be able to choose your husband, it's like there choosimg what you will and will not do. Arranged marriges, is not apporiate and unfair.

  25. 1. I think there should not have a law that ban the arrangement of marriage because it is a very personal and family problem. Government should not have control about that.
    2. To me, it doesn't matter how popular or wealthy or good looking; I only will marry to a person that I know, that I really love. Not what they have or what they look like. And on the opposite side. I think that parents have the right that not allow you to marry below 16 years old. Because 16 Years old don't know what they will face in the future.

  26. I guess I would have circumstances under which I would approve of an arranged marriage if I didn't have a choice.
    1. Sure I would support banning arranged marriage. This is because no one should marry someone that they do not love.
    2. I would never marry a person just because the person was wealthy and smart and very popular. I think that parents should not arrange marriage for their child at all.

  27. I do not approve of an arranged marriage at all. I think that people should marry whom ever they want; if they don’t want to then that’s fine too. Yes, I would support laws banning arranged marriages. I think parents should just let their kids decide on when to marry. If they feel confident with the person they chose, then they are ready to marry. If the parent thinks that their child isn’t ready, then it’s a family matter that they would have to settle with.

  28. I do not approve arrange marriage in general. Why should someone marry another just because they are told to? Do parents believe that their child has no feeling of love? No decision at all? In India and the Muslim culture, it might be tradition, but I don't think it's right to take away their child's life to love.
    If my parents arranged me to marry and guy that I've never met, just because he's wealthy and smart and very popular, I would run away. I will not let my parents take over who I chose to live with for the rest of my life.
    At the age of 16, marriage is too young. Kids are still growing at the age of 16, and it would not be okay to rush things.

  29. Well just like some people I don’t get the first question either. I would support other countries with banning arranged marriage. I font think its right for your parents to force you to marry someone you don’t know and don’t love. If my parents tried to force me to marry someone I would either want some time to get to know him or just say no to them. If you are 16 and in love with that person and know you want to be with them parents should accept that and love you no matter what.

  30. I don't think it's fair for parents to arrange marriage for their children, and choosing their partners for them; I think that the parents shouldn't do that at all, instead they should just give their blessing, and on the other hand someone who's under or over 16 should have the right to marry anyone they like to marry. (with parents approval of course.) But parents shouldn't arrange marriages...

  31. 1. I think that I would support banning arraged marriges because, it really isn't right. YOu should be able to have the choice of whom you want to marry and that should be withsomeone you truly love and have feelings for. You should have the right to marry to who ever you want. Having arranged marriges is like allowing the law to control your love life.
    2. I wouldn't exactly be the brightest crayon in the box if i was forced to marry someone i did-+n't even know. Even if he was wealthy and smart and what not. Buyt maybe if he was cute, i wouldn't have a problem with that. And yes, Parents should not allow thier children to marry under 16. It just isn't right

  32. i think that its not fair that kids marry who they dont want and a small age. i think that arrange marrage should be not acceptable. i say it should not be allowed to get married at age 16 and under it is very small age.

  33. i never believe in arrange marriage. i think it's like taking over another person, control their life, which is wrong.

    i will support 100% on banning the law.

    i will never accept it if she arranged a husband for me already because it's my decision who i will marry.

    they can have the right to stop me from getting married if i'm under 16 years old. the reason is that because the age is too young and not mature enough i guess...

  34. i dont argree with the arrange marriage because i dont think it is fair for you to marry someone you dont lik or even know about. even if that person is wealthy or popular i still support the banndin the arrange marriage. marriage is an important thing because him or her and if you dont like that person you would stil live with that person, and you couldnt remarry that easy once you already marry

  35. I think that I would support laws that banned arranged marriges unless it was their kid's choice to get an arranged marriage.I would not marry that person because I would not even know them and marriage is like a lifetime commitment. Well i dont think so because that person is not really responible and they are ready to make a commitment.

  36. i think that parent have the reason for them to tell us at wat age to marry cus it is very young marrying at an age younger than you so that is why i would agree cus u r too young and doesnt noe wat they are doing.

  37. I would only think an arranged marriage would be okay if i consented to it. In third world countries, it has been tradition, so i wuoldn't object to it. though i must say, i do feel sorry for people who have been in arranged marriages. To be with a person, and start a family with them, even though you didn't know eachother. And what if they hated eachother? i don't understand how people can live like that. If my parents arranged a marriage for me with someone who was smart, wealthy, and nice, i acctually wouldn't say no. Now if he was abusive or concieted i would decline the offer. I think parents should prevent teens from marrying if their not 16 yet, because you go through so many changes as a teenager, that the person you might be inlove with one week, you could hate the next. Anfd that is a big commitment, that kids shouldn't be able to choose until they can support themselves, and are responsible.

  38. I dont think that arranged are ever a good idea, but i know that in other countires sometimes thats their custom or whatever, but i dont agree with it. It doesnt make sense to marry someone you haven't even met. But i wouldnt pass a law banning it in other countries, because it doesnt affect me.
    2.) I wouldnt marry anyone that i didnt like, whether it was an arranged marriage or not. I really could care less if hes rich or anything. If i dont like him, im not gonna marry him.
    3.) I also dont think that parents should be able to prevent their kids from getting married. I understand if theres a law that you cant get married untill you're 16 or 18 or whatever but i dont think your parents should have the right to not let you get married.

  39. i think parents should not decide on who their children will marry i think it is up to the people who are getting marry to decide.
