Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Capulet and his daughter

Read Act 3, scene 4. Use Spark Notes or other websites to help you understand the language. Now tell me what you think this scene tells you about the relationship between Juliet and her father.


  1. This scene tells me that the relationship Juliet has with her father isn't exactly a close one. I think it's not a 'close' one because if it were, her father would see that Juliet does not want to marry Paris, and it's Romeo that she wants to marry.

  2. This scene tells that her father always thinks he knows whats right for Juliet. He thinks Paris is a noble and trusty man that he wants his daughter to marry her.

  3. I think that Juliet and Capulet dont get along that much and Juliet listens to whatever her father has to say and does it. But I think this time Juliet won't listen to him and not marry Paris.

  4. well basicly in this line ! "I think she will be ruled
    In all respects by me" the dad is like i am tha boss of you and every thing you do goes through me and she has to lisen to every thing he says he says because he is tha adult.

  5. the relationship between them is like how the prince wants juliets mother to persude her to get married with juliet after what everything happened so romeo have to leave verona and her cousin just died so i dont really i think that shes wanting get marrieged right now

  6. basicly this scene to me is talking about how the prince wants juliets mother to persuade her to get married after all this happended, romeo has to leave verona and her cousin just died. so i dont really think that shes wanting to get married right away...well at least not to him.

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  8. that they are grrowing stronger but himthere families arent so for that fact thing are only going well between them.

  9. the relationship between the father and juliet is all right at first but not no more because she wants to merry romeo and he wants her to merry paris so they are not on the same page.

  10. the relationship between he rand her father is ok. but ther not on the same page her father wants her to marry paris.but juliety heart doset want him she want romeo and basicaly her da trying to decide her marrage.

  11. Well i think that Romeo did what he had to do but thats not going to make the situation better because when Juliet finds out what happen then she is going to be mad at Romeo and is going to feel bad for what he siad so i think Romeo did the wrong thing but had to do what he needed to do

  12. Well the bond I THINK has faded, because her dad wanted her to marry paris. But athat dide'nt go as planned. I know if I were the father I would be super mad!

  13. Juliet and her father have a okay relationship but sometimes her and the dad because her dad wants her to marry some other guy

  14. Well i think what ever she or the father did is not the right thing to do because just in my life if my sister did something wrong and then my dad found out about it about a couple of weeks later he will be mad at her because she didnt tell him when she did what ever she did.so i think the situation was bad that ever happen in the book

  15. I think that the realtionship between her and her father was okaii in the begining but now its not beacuse he did not want her to marry romeo he wanted her to marry prince and now that she married prince i think that they wont be on the same page anymore and that they wont be as okaii as they were.

  16. Juliet and her father bond has somewhat becoming severed.Her father wants her to marry Paris but the plan for it is going to fail.

  17. i think that the relationship between Juliet and her dad is not very strong. he obviously doesnt know that she doesnt love Paris and that she is in love with Romeo. he is not that close to her or he would have known that she is already married to Romeo.

  18. In my opinion, Juliet and her father werent on the best of relationships with wach other, because if they were on better terms with each other then juliets father would have knowticed that juliet didnt want to marry paris, but someone else.

  19. It seems like Juliet doesn't tell anything to her father. There isn't much communication with each other from the passage.

  20. The bond between Juliet and her father is not very strong. If their relationship was stronger, Juliet's father would know that Juliet is not interested in Paris. Capulet want to give Juliet's best, but he thinks that Juliet will listen to every word he says.

  21. I think the relationship between Juliet and her father is not very close. He wouldn’t tell Juliet the news about the marriage instead, he tells his wife to tell her about it. He also says that "I think she'll do whatever I say. No, I think she'll do all that and more. I have no doubt about it." So I think that he doesn’t care about Juliet

  22. i believe hat she just does whatever her fathers says however in this case with romeo he will be dissappointed

  23. I think that Juliet and her father's relationship is not very close. If Juliet's father were close to Juliet he would not have set up a marriage for her with Paris.

  24. Juliet's father also thinks he has absolute control over her.

  25. this scene only tells about the relationship that juliet father thihnks he has with juliet.
    he told paris that their relationship with each others is very close, i think he also mentioned that she always obey him and does whatever he said.

  26. i think it shows that her father "THINKS" they have a close relationship, or close enough to believe that she would be interested in paris. But really they do not have a close open relationship, or the father would know she's already MARRIED!

  27. I think Juliet and her father do not really have a close bond, yet a very distant one. It also seems like he is very controlling of Juliet from what he said: "Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender of my child's love: I think that she will be ruled in all respects by me.." Also i think that he makes most of the descions for Juliet with out of her approval. For example, The wedding he secretly planned with Paris.

  28. I think that Juliet's father does not know Juliet that well. He thinks that she will do whatever he wants, but I think that she won't do what he says. They are not on the same page.

  29. In this scence it tell me that they are dont have a close relationship with each other. Also, he think that his knowledge is great, so he planned to make her a wedding with Paris, who she doesnt like

  30. I don't think the relationship between Juliet and her father isn't a closes one, because her father makes decisions for her, without her knowing like for instant her father wants her to marry Paris and on the other hand her father doesn't know, she's married to Romeo.

  31. I think this scene is very straight forward but, not in a good way. Paris and Capulet are talking about the wedding of him and Juliet, even without asking her if she wants to marry Paris. This shows me that he dose not care for Juliets opinion what so ever. Doesn't seem like good parenting to me.

  32. I think this scene tells me that Juliet and her father may argue in the future about her marriage. Juliet might not want to get married and her father might force her to. I think that the arranged married with Paris was really messed up; Capulet should at least ask Juliet first. I believe that in the end, their relationship will fall apart after that.

  33. The relationship between the daugher and the father is that, the daughter just listins to the father and obeys. But then for ocassions she might just agree but not command.

  34. I think that Juliet and her dad have a sort of bad relationship because he agreed make her marry Paris without even asking her about it. If he really cared about her then it seems like he would want her to be with Romeo who she actually liked, more than making her be with Paris.

  35. The relationship that Juliet has with her father is like any other father daughter relationship. He think that he knows what is best for his daughter and he knows her so well but in reality he doesnt know nothing about her.

  36. That Juliet's dad picks he desicions without asking her so he is always picking her future.

  37. Romeo and Juliet do not have that good of a relationship with each other. Juliet is mostly listenig to whatever her parents are saying and now her parents want her to marry Paris and I think that Juliet won't let her parents make her do anything that she really does not want to do. And if Juliet's father really had a close relationship with her father he would not be trying to make Juliet marry Paris and let her marry who ever she wants to.

  38. i think that this scene tells about how juliet and her fathers relationship and that her father is to over protective and controls her a lot that is what i thnk about this sceene on the book

  39. I believe that Juliet and her father are not on good terms with each other because he thinks that she will do what says when she really will not. She really would not obey him as he thinks she would.

  40. juliet has no choice over who she marrys and her dad is making her do things she didnt want to do.

  41. juliet has no choice over who she marrys and her dad is making her do things she didnt want to do.

  42. i say that juliets dad to her he does not care for her. i think that she needs someone to talk about.

  43. i say that juliets dad to her he does not care for her. i think that she needs someone to talk about.
