Thursday, April 2, 2009

What you learned....or didn't

Answer these questions:
1. Make one suggestion you would give to a teacher about to teach Romeo and Juliet.
2. Name one thing you learned while we read the play.
3. Name one thing you didn't like about the way we read Romeo and Juliet.
4. Name one thing you did like.

This is our last post on this play.


  1. 1. Be patient with the students because it takes time to understand the language
    3. The book in general was complicated so the way we tried to understand it didn't work all that great for me
    4. I liked that we got to watch the movie because it helped me understand th story more

  2. about how not to get marrie3d earlt. not to get marr2ied early.we watched movies.the whole book

  3. do a lil more book work
    shakespear had a big imagination
    people do crazy thangs for love

  4. 1. Read the book yourself first, then in your own words explain it to the class.
    2. That you will kill for love.
    3. I could not understand much.
    4. I liked everything about the book I suggest to people to keep reading this book.

  5. 1- let friday be free day.
    2- i learn that some people cant be together by a certain reason.
    3- we didnt sound like the movies we wathced
    4- i liked how romeo and juliet died because i didnt like them at all.

  6. 1. Let students understand what they are reading before you move on.
    2.i didnt really learn anything new.
    3.We finished it too fast.
    4.i liked the ending of the play.

  7. I would suggest the teacher that Romeo and Juliet is a good book to teach. During the play i learned that some people do whatever they hace to for love. One zthing i dislike about Romeo and Juliet is that i dont understand most of the words. I did like that i learned some new words during the play.

  8. 1.A suggestion that i would give to my teacher is that What makes people want to learn about jow it was back in the days.

    2.What i learn was that Romeo and Juliet really had feelings for each other.

    3.dont really get that question.

    4.the part i liked was when Romeo was sad that she died and he died with her when he drunk that poison drink.

  9. 1.One suggestion that i would give to the teacher is that the book is that the play was emotional and strong.

    2.One thing i learned about the play was that thing i did'nt like about reading romeo and juliet is that it was hard to understand.

    4.One thing i didnt like about reading romeo and juliet is that romeo and juleit did what they wanted to do beacuse they were in love and they didnt listen to anyone else but to there heart.

  10. well something that i would tell a teacher is that the movie is better than the book..but its a good book to know about. something that i learned about the play is that they really loved eachother and wanted to be happy together. something that i didnt like was the prince talking to romeo maybe because i didnt get it. they way we didnt have to read the whole book was good to meh. i like the way you just assigned scenes to do and not read a chapter a day or something. because if im just asked to read a chapter i dont usually get it done.

  11. Ok weL if ther waS anythinq that the teaCherS shuLd nO abOut teaChinq rOmio and juLiet iS thaat yu have shuLd makee sure thaa kiDs are iNtrested beCause thiS bOOk iS kinDa bOrinq tO me persOnaLy .One thinq i Learned wen we wer reaDinq tha pLay waS that peOpLe faL iN LOve tO faSt . sOmthinq i didnt Like abOut reaDinq rOmiO and juLiet iS thaat rOmiO kiLd sOme One thaatS mean ! butt the bOOk iS Ok .

  12. 1. A suggestion i would give to the teacher about this book is that it was a strong and emotional play.

    2. I learned to not get to serious about love and overreact about it.

    3. One thing i didnt like about the way we read the book was the way it was written in a confusing way.

    4. I liked how Romeo killed himself to be with Juliet after death.

  13. My suggestion is to read the book first and then watch the movie afterwards.
    I learned more about love.
    One thing i didnt like was how we read and watch a lil pieces of the movie.
    one i liked was the movies but i wished we watched the whole thing.

  14. 1. I would teach Romeo and Juliet the play by translating everyword that didn't make sense to others.
    2. I learned that Romeo and Juliet had fallen for each other, it was a love in sight for both of them.
    3. I don't like the questioning part of it.
    4. I like how the story ended, well not that I'm happy they died, I just thought the ending brought peace to their families grudges towards each other.

  15. 1. Get the students more engaged in the reading, maybe telling them if you read you get extra credit. I'm sure that you would have all those hands rising.
    2. I learned that it's not so hard to understand English back then.
    3. That we read it fast, but, I still understood what was happening.
    4. I liked that we read the book in class.

  16. if i were to teach the book romeo and juliet i would say that juliet has a hard life and really loves romeo and she makes a sacrafice to be with him.
    i learned that before back then the parents of the girls would choose who they wanted to marry
    i didnt like that sometimes we had to read it at home
    i like when we all read the book together in class

  17. My suggestion is to read the book first and then watch the movie afterwards.
    I learned more about love.
    One thing i didnt like was how we read and watch a lil pieces of the movie.
    one i liked was the movies but i wished we watched the whole thing all together.
